Episode 50: Igniting Spiritual Conversations

Topic: Life, Spirituality, Friendship
Hosts: Milo Curtis & Dave Ambrose

Episode Synopsis
We posted a clip on YouTube entitled “Money, Money, Money.”  Dave and Milo discuss the following comment that was left in responce to the video clip.

Tell this load of bull to someone who had their home foreclosed on, is living in a motel or car, and doesn’t know where his next meal is coming from. If God doesn’t fluctuate then he obviously decided that a lot of people didn’t need money, their houses, an education, etc… then God can go screw in my opinion. This video was BS crap when people are in the midst of losing everything. This is some of the stupid crap that got us into this mess to begin with. Dumb. Ignorant. Stupid.

– PeakedEarth

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3 Responses to Episode 50: Igniting Spiritual Conversations

  1. Chris says:

    “And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.
    30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.
    31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” (Luke 12:29-31)

    I think deep down everyone including Christians have thought like this at one time or another, just not often out loud. I remember a time not too long ago when I would read the above passage and would become furious for the “forgotten promises” of God in which I perceived. I think God wants our honesty because it comes from the heart. If we walk around with a painted smile and a self perceived righteousness, I believe that we miss a real relationship with Him. I am very curious about what God is doing in PeakedEarth’s life now. It is obvious that he/she was seeking out some answers and crying out to God in anger.

    P.S.–when do I get my T-shirt from several drawings ago?

  2. Lisa Wenninger says:

    I’d say you have ignited a very spiritual conversation!! When I read Peaked’s comment, I only read what I here many Americans saying. When things go bad, it brings about questioning God and how “he” allows such catastrophe. When things are good, people just have no opinion on God doing anything, they believe they did all things themselves, as they push out that chest yelling, “see what I did!” They choose to take the blame when the outcome is good and prospering.
    When God is in the center of everything we are, do, believe, feel…we praise Him, through the good and the bad..People can’t comprehend this if God isn’t in control of their life.
    I’d love to see the person who left the comment on youtube, stand in front of God himself, and ask him what his thoughts on money are..
    Excellent topic, and such a excellent follow up conversation..you are more patient then I am..I will work on that!

    • milocurtis says:

      @Lisa. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love the fact that PeakedEarth has spawned such good conversation. This is what its about…honest dialogue that we can learn from. Thanks!

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